ThetaHealing Online

ThetaHealing Sessions are Now Online

Nianell currently holds a ThetaHealing Masters qualification and Certificate of Science, as well as a PhD in Metaphysics through the University of Sedona. Nianell, runs 17 of the many ThetaHealing® seminars offered.    

ThetaHealing Seminars

ThetaHealing® is a highly versatile energy healing and personal development technique that empowers you for positive change. 
It is an ancient knowledge that we are now rediscovering; once learnt you will be able to reprogram any limiting beliefs that are preventing you, and others, from living a life in joy. This life changing technique will enable you to heal sickness, wealth concerns, career struggle or any obstacle preventing you from true happiness. You will have an empowered way of living that will bring you a greater sense of freedom, joy and love.
The Basic DNA seminar introduces the ThetaHealing® techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant.

The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change limiting life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. Once these beliefs/patterns are recognised and an understanding of how they serve you is received you will be able to change them into patterns/beliefs that serve you in a more empowered manner. You will experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator God and will learn to identify your own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the seminar. This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief, showing you how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.

Other topics and exercises include:
Learn why we create things in our life and what we learn from it
Learn discernment when working with guides and guardian angels
Introduction to manifesting in your life
Future readings,
Balancing your moods and chakras
Soul mates, waywards and implants
Seven Planes of Existence
The Power of Connecting to the Creator of All that Is
The Basic DNA introduces the Theta Healing techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant. The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed.
Days: 3
Prerequisites: None
Price: $400

Next Seminar:  4-6 October 2024
As a student of Theta Healing, you will continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance your knowledge on downloads, and learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class.
Days: 3
Prerequisites: Basic DNA
Price: $400

Next Seminar: 11-13 October 2024
This seminar is designed to get all Theta Healers well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, and tips you need so you are confident at digging to find your clients key core beliefs. Unless we can successfully identify the true heart and origin of the problem you won't know what beliefs to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA
Price: $400

Next Seminar: 19 & 20 October 2024
This seminar is not just for couples, but for anyone who wants to develop a relationship, an intimate relationship, a partnership to reach the highest potential. Growing your relationships will help you build a strong partnership, build a strong foundation, keeping your relationship fresh and new, and is designed to help your relationship work for you.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: $400

Next Seminar: 
This seminar offers healing to the bodies systems through the release of accumulated energetic emotions. We then explore the beliefs held in each system and their relationships to physical “dis-ease”. This is the seminar for the serious Theta Healing Practitioners who desire to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical body using the Theta Healing Technique. 
Days: 21 (5 days on 2 days off)
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: $1900
Next Seminar: 
You and the Creator is where we show and teach the students to understand the undercurrent of their own subconscious mind. How their body actually works at solving problems and how they actually know the difference between communicating with energy of the Creator and communicating with their ego or with their higher self. 
Days: 2
Prerequisites:  Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper,  
Price: $400

Next Seminar: 2 & 3 November 2024
This seminar is filled with lots of hands on exercises to learn about how to help shift our world around us. Learn how to create your own reality while releasing the blocks that are holding you back from creating that reality.
Days: 3
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Intuitive Anatomy
Price: $1,000
Next Seminar: 5-9 December 2024
This course is a wonderful way to find out what it is you are truly looking for in a partner and attract that beautiful energy to you without even looking for it! Come discover what your relationship is missing and let us help you find your self-confidence, soul mate or just help rekindle that old spark again.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, 
Price: $400
Next Seminar: 14 & 15 December 2024
This 3-day course was designed based on real-life success cases and gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and instil hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in life and business. Vianna has partnered with Hiro in an endeavour to unite spirituality and business, and this seminar is one of the first products from the effort, available through the Theta Healing technique. 
Days: 3
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: $500

Next Seminar: 8-10 November 2024
This course uses an amazing questionnaire to assist you to find the many surprising and deeply hidden blocks standing between you and your goals. It shows you how to dig deep to clear them; teaches you about intention and Divine Timing, followed by how to make everything in your life work for you. You are then given all the positive new Feelings you need to establish abundance in your life..
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: R6,250

Next Seminar: 
In this seminar, we direct our attention within and discover beliefs that we have accepted precisely because of the family into which we were born. This is a seminar where, by letting go of beliefs that no longer serve us, we come to better know, recognize and accept ourselves, and to lead a freer existence. In short, we become able to more completely love and accept ourselves, and in this way we come to know ourselves as beings of light.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper.
Price: R6,250

Next Seminar: 
Rainbow Children are wise souls offering new wisdom and possessing the ability to change the world around them. They are sensitive, compassionate and aware of others’ feelings. Rainbow Children seminars are designed for them, their parents, caregivers and teachers. This remarkable programme will validate and enhance their spiritual development in a safe and loving environment, so they can share their own special gifts with others.
Days: 4
Prerequisites: None
Price: R12,500

Next Seminar: 
The Theta Healing® World Relations Seminar focuses on specific cultures and beliefs to trigger present and past issues with races, religions, and people. Once these belief issues come to light, the hidden hatreds and resentment that goes back centuries will be released. This will allow the participants to embrace and accept the people and cultures of the world with true unconditional love.
Days: 5
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: R12,000

Next Seminar:
Every day for two weeks, the instructor will work with the students on their blocks of working with different diseases. They also discuss the diseases they are familiar with, to give insights into the physical, mental and emotional components of illnesses. This seminar encompasses explaining the body systems, over 100 diseases and disorders, covering herbs and minerals. This seminar is definitely for the alternative professional.
Days: 14 (5 days on 2 days off)
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Intuitive Anatomy
Price: R21,243

Next Seminar: 
This seminar is filled with lots of hands on exercises to learn about how to help shift our world around us. Learn how to create your own reality while releasing the blocks that are holding you back from creating that reality.
Days: 3
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Intuitive Anatomy
Price: $1,000
Next Seminar: 5-9 December 2024
The Planes of Existence is the wellspring of philosophy that is behind all the seminar and books of Theta healing, by learning the structure of the Planes of Existence, Vianna was shown that it was possible to create new realities in this lifetime as well as why she was creating difficult situations in her own life.
Days: 5
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Intuitive Anatomy OR
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors.
Price: R15,000
 Next Seminar: 
Change your beliefs while learning a new exciting way to release weight and tap into your inner peace. This isn’t just a weight loss seminar! It is finding a real rhythm for your mind, body and spirit, while tapping into your inner beauty and love for yourself through your own dreams and desires! This seminar teaches Vianna’s secrets to weight loss. 
Days: 1
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, 
Price: R2,500

Next Seminar:
This unique seminar was developed for those who love animals and have a deep connection and affinity with all living things. In this two-day seminar you will gain a deeper understanding and gain confidence in healing with animals. You will also learn why we, as humans, behave as we do, how our DNA really works, and to make changes in our life through our DNA.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: R3,000

Next Seminar: 
This seminar is dedicated to the secret intuitive world of plants, trees and elementals and is an in-depth discovery of how to communicate with the plant kingdom of the Second Plane of Existence.
Days: 1
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: R3,000

Next Seminar: 
The Basic DNA introduces the Theta Healing techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant. The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed.
Days: 3
Prerequisites: None
Price: $400

Next Seminar: 
10-12 January 2025
As a student of Theta Healing, you will continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance your knowledge on downloads, and learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class.
Days: 3
Prerequisites: Basic DNA
Price: $400

Next Seminar: 
17-19 January 2025
This seminar is designed to get all Theta Healers well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, and tips you need so you are confident at digging to find your clients key core beliefs. Unless we can successfully identify the true heart and origin of the problem you won't know what beliefs to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA
Price: $400

Next Seminar: 
25-26 January 2025
This seminar is not just for couples, but for anyone who wants to develop a relationship, an intimate relationship, a partnership to reach the highest potential. Growing your relationships will help you build a strong partnership, build a strong foundation, keeping your relationship fresh and new, and is designed to help your relationship work for you.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: $400

Next Seminar: 
To Be Confirmed
This seminar offers healing to the bodies systems through the release of accumulated energetic emotions. We then explore the beliefs held in each system and their relationships to physical “dis-ease”. This is the seminar for the serious Theta Healing Practitioners who desire to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical body using the Theta Healing Technique. 
Days: 21 (5 days on 2 days off)
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: $1,900
Next Seminar: 
To Be Confirmed
You and the Creator is where we show and teach the students to understand the undercurrent of their own subconscious mind. How their body actually works at solving problems and how they actually know the difference between communicating with energy of the Creator and communicating with their ego or with their higher self. 
Days: 2
Prerequisites:  Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper,  
Price: $440

Next Seminar: 
8-9 February 2025
This course is a wonderful way to find out what it is you are truly looking for in a partner and attract that beautiful energy to you without even looking for it! Come discover what your relationship is missing and let us help you find your self-confidence, soul mate or just help rekindle that old spark again.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, 
Price: $400
Next Seminar: 
4 & 5 January 2025
This 3-day course was designed based on real-life success cases and gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and instil hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in life and business. Vianna has partnered with Hiro in an endeavour to unite spirituality and business, and this seminar is one of the first products from the effort, available through the Theta Healing technique. 
Days: 3
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: $500
Next Seminar: 
11-13 April 2025
This seminar is filled with lots of hands on exercises to learn about how to help shift our world around us. Learn how to create your own reality while releasing the blocks that are holding you back from creating that reality.
Days: 5
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Intuitive Anatomy
Price: $1,000
Next Seminar: 1-5 May 2025
In this seminar, we direct our attention within and discover beliefs that we have accepted precisely because of the family into which we were born. This is a seminar where, by letting go of beliefs that no longer serve us, we come to better know, recognize and accept ourselves, and to lead a freer existence. In short, we become able to more completely love and accept ourselves, and in this way we come to know ourselves as beings of light.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper.
Price: R6,250
Next Seminar: 

Rainbow Children are wise souls offering new wisdom and possessing the ability to change the world around them. They are sensitive, compassionate and aware of others’ feelings. Rainbow Children seminars are designed for them, their parents, caregivers and teachers. This remarkable programme will validate and enhance their spiritual development in a safe and loving environment, so they can share their own special gifts with others.
Days: 4
Prerequisites: None
Price: R12,500

Next Seminar: 

The Theta Healing® World Relations Seminar focuses on specific cultures and beliefs to trigger present and past issues with races, religions, and people. Once these belief issues come to light, the hidden hatreds and resentment that goes back centuries will be released. This will allow the participants to embrace and accept the people and cultures of the world with true unconditional love.
Days: 5
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: $800
Next Seminar:
20-24 February 2025
Every day for two weeks, the instructor will work with the students on their blocks of working with different diseases. They also discuss the diseases they are familiar with, to give insights into the physical, mental and emotional components of illnesses. This seminar encompasses explaining the body systems, over 100 diseases and disorders, covering herbs and minerals. This seminar is definitely for the alternative professional.
Days: 14 (5 days on 2 days off)
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Intuitive Anatomy
Price: R21,243

Next Seminar: 
This course uses an amazing questionnaire to assist you to find the many surprising and deeply hidden blocks standing between you and your goals. It shows you how to dig deep to clear them; teaches you about intention and Divine Timing, followed by how to make everything in your life work for you. You are then given all the positive new Feelings you need to establish abundance in your life..
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: $400 /R7,000
Next Seminar: 1 & 2 Mar 2025
The Planes of Existence is the wellspring of philosophy that is behind all the seminar and books of Theta healing, by learning the structure of the Planes of Existence, Vianna was shown that it was possible to create new realities in this lifetime as well as why she was creating difficult situations in her own life.
Days: 5
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Intuitive Anatomy OR
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors.
Price: R15,000

  Next Seminar: 
Change your beliefs while learning a new exciting way to release weight and tap into your inner peace. This isn’t just a weight loss seminar! It is finding a real rhythm for your mind, body and spirit, while tapping into your inner beauty and love for yourself through your own dreams and desires! This seminar teaches Vianna’s secrets to weight loss. 
Days: 1
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, 
Price: R2,500
Next Seminar: 5 April 2025
This unique seminar was developed for those who love animals and have a deep connection and affinity with all living things. In this two-day seminar you will gain a deeper understanding and gain confidence in healing with animals. You will also learn why we, as humans, behave as we do, how our DNA really works, and to make changes in our life through our DNA.
Days: 2
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: R3,000

Next Seminar: 

This seminar is dedicated to the secret intuitive world of plants, trees and elementals and is an in-depth discovery of how to communicate with the plant kingdom of the Second Plane of Existence.
Days: 1
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Price: R3,000

Next Seminar: 
Nianell Enterprises Pty Ltd | Copyright © 2021 | All Rights Reserved | Designed by
All information on this website should be used as an informational and educational guide only. The information contained herein and the services provided hereunder, are solely aimed at improving body, mind and spirit. Nothing herein is intended as a substitute for medical care and consultation. The ThetaHealing method is a supportive meditation training that has been created as complementary to treatment by a licensed health care provider. The ThetaHealing meditation method is not a diagnostic method, medical treatment, or a cure. Anyone who has a medical or serious health issue should consult a qualified medical provider. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information held on this web-site is correct, and correctly accredited to the source.
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