Connection Simplified Course

Feeling disconnected?? 
On this two day ONLINE course you will reconnect with all that you are and learn how to feel what true connection feels like. A connection with yourself, with others, with your dreams and desires and with life. When we feel connected, life feels good, easy and effortless. We need to feel good to attract the abundance we desire. Start feeling good by giving yourself this life changing gift and book your spot now. 

Date: 28 & 29 September 2024

Time: 09h30- 18h00

Zoom: Link will be sent to you closer to the event.

Investment: R3,500


Clearing Limiting Beliefs

I am an expert at hearing your limiting subconscious beliefs. Beliefs that might be keeping you stuck in unwanted life experiences. I assist you first of all in becoming aware of them and then clearing them and then align you with all that you are.

Receiving More Clarity

I have the ability to simplify the most complicated problem or situation. This ability will give you more clarity on what is really going on in your life and it will assist you to clear and let go of what no longer serves you easy and effortlessly.

Vibrations Of Love & Acceptance

During workshop with me you will experience the highest vibration of love and acceptance. You are a magnificent being of light and you will remember who you are and what you are a part of during our session. This feeling of oneness is an incredible feeling and it is your divine right to feel it.

Leading Inspirational Performer, Author & Master Theta Healer

I am an Inspirational Performer who assists you in finding your Life Path, through my Life Simplified teachings & musical performances, which provide guidance & clarity in times of confusion.

I’m an International author, my first book was "Knowing who I am" published by Hay House in USA. 

I'm a Master Theta Healer. I’ve worked with thousands of people from around the world over the past 10 years to help them create wellbeing, receive the abundance that is rightfully theirs and awaken to their life purpose. 

I am passionate about seeing my private clients awaken to their destiny, create their legacy, transform in their life and I support them to make their dream a reality.

Leading Inspirational Performer, Author & Master Theta Healer

I am an Inspirational Performer who assists you in finding your Life Path, through my Life Simplified teachings & musical performances, which provide guidance & clarity in times of confusion.

I’m an International author, my first book was "Knowing who I am" published by Hay House in USA. 

I'm a Master Theta Healer. I’ve worked with thousands of people from around the world over the past 10 years to help them create wellbeing, receive the abundance that is rightfully theirs and awaken to their life purpose. 

I am passionate about seeing my private clients awaken to their destiny, create their legacy, transform in their life and I support them to make their dream a reality.
How will I benefit from this course?
Once you experience these benefits, life changes...
Here are just a few of the benefits that you will receive from this Connection Simplified Course. Most people say that they experience so much more.
  • Discover how to connect with all the magnificence of who you are
  • Master the art of listening, to be heard
  • Communicate your truth easily and effortlessly
  • ​Become aware of limiting sub-conscious beliefs that are blocking your flow of abundance
  • ​Release negative emotions and limiting beliefs to receive more
  • ​Become aware of how you communicate energetically
  • ​Learn how to create balance mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically
  • Feel safe and receive more through forgiveness
  • ​Discover your unique story and be of service to the world
  • ​Experience the feelings that you need, to attract what you desire in your life

WhatsApp Me Any Questions You May Have...

Here is an 8 minute preview of the CONNECTION SIMPLIFIED COURSE held on the 6 November to the 8th November 2020. This course is live and is held in Johannesburg South Africa, two to three times a year. It is one of my most successful live courses where the attendees experience a massive shift and transformation in their lives. The course is followed through a workbook, my inspirational music, and break away sessions. At the end of this video, you'll see some testimonials of the people who attended this course and what they had to say about it. Book now for the next workshop by clicking on the button below.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!
"3 Incredible days of self- discovery. It's been a journey of discovering my limiting beliefs, something that has been incredible for me. If you have anything that you feel is holding you back, or something in your life that you feel could be expanded upon then Nianell is the person and this is the course that you should be doing. 
You won't be disappointed."
"At first I didn't realise what was involved in this course, but after finishing the course I feel so privileged to be taught by such an amazing, professional person. Nianell is incredible. Why would you not want to do this course?"
"I found this course mind-blowing. I feel so exhilarated and energised and more open and honest with myself after this course. I recommend this course, if you don't you will missing out on something extraordinary. 
I got exactly what I needed from this course."
"I've done many courses with Nianell but this is the one course that has given me everything I need. More Clarity, found out so much more about myself and I already feel the shift within myself. This course is really worth doing."
Nianell's approach to her work is nothing short of awe-inspiring in its simplicity. The way she communicates her teachings is a revelation that touches the very core of understanding. Every time I grasped a concept, a silly grin adorned my face, perhaps even amusing Nianell (Sonja). Those elusive ideas I had been working on, yet failing to see, suddenly came to light, leaving me in complete awe.

"I am so deeply grateful for Nianell. Not only is she an old friend but she is also my therapist.
About 2 months ago I woke up in the early hours of the morning to find 7 black men in my bedroom. 

They tied me up naked with guns at my head and a knife at my throat. After gathering all of my valuables and most of my clothes, they forced me downstairs into my 17 year old daughter's room where they tied her up as well. 

We lay back to back in a corner, my kid sobbing softly as they ransacked our home before disappearing into the night.

I have never felt so powerless and humiliated. I let victimhood take over and I have struggled since with a deep anger. Most of all I was gutted that my precious little girl had to have this experience without me being able to prevent it.

I turned to Nianell. After only one session she gave me a perspective I would never have found on my own. I have been able to release my fear and my anger... most of all I have been able to forgive. 

Thank you Nianell. You are a gifted healer. Your intuition and guidance is always spot on. You inspire me. With my heart and soul I recommend you most highly.."

Clint Cunningham

"Hi, it was life changing. I am able to recognize and remove negative thoughts much easier. I am so much more positive as a whole. I am still struggling to meditate but there is definitely a huge improvement. 

I am more comfortable with myself, my destiny and my life purpose. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I am so grateful for the opportunity.

The relationship with my wife did a complete 180 degree turn. We were able to communicate without fear of getting into fights or feel threatened. We are back to the honeymoon phase. 

My relationship with my boss also flipped completely with doors of communication opening up and once again there was no fear of the usual backlash and back stabbing. 

Today we have an exceptional working relationship and the department has never been stronger.".

Ricky Hinde

"My journey with Nianell started in 2017. I have attended 5 courses with Nianell which has had such a powerful impact in my life and in my career as a therapist in terms of how I connect with my true calling in life and how I connect with every client I see. 

Alongside these magnificent courses I have done many many healing sessions with Nianell to help me release past traumas, like the loss of my dad and align my subconscious and conscious mind to create balance within me. 

I am so grateful for Nianell. With the knowledge and awareness I have within me today I am able to make decisions with so much more clarity, I have such a beautiful relationship with my mom and have connected to parts of me like being a mother which I could never do in the past. 

It's been four years and I can truly say the journey has just begun. I recommend these courses and healing sessions to anyone who is ready to step into their power and realize their true potential, anyone who has experienced trauma and seeking healing on all levels and anyone who is ready for significant internal shifts into a happier more alive frequency. 

Nianell has such a gentle and loving energy, you can truly feel her unconditional love and joy as she steps in the room. Thank you Nianell".

Katiana Brancato

"About three years ago I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and generalised anxiety disorder. I was on different types of anti depressants and anti anxieties which helped for a period of time however were highly unpleasant to be on. 

My anxiety limited my day to day activities immensely to a point where it was a struggle for me to get into my car and drive to university in the mornings. 

A friend put me in touch with Nianell and I had my first session on March 25th, 2019. Since then, I have not experienced anxiety or depression, and my life has returned to normal and I have a new found appreciation for meditation and Theta Healing. This method has changed my life and I can confidently say that it is one of the best decisions I have ever made."

Alessandra Thompson

"I have attended three training courses with Nianell and I know that there will be more. One of the best practitioners and teachers that I have met. 

What she teaches is practical, mind changing and life changing. You either want to change your life or you don't. And when you decided that it is time to get healed, then Nianell should be the person to go to.".

Mercia Kok

"I have been doing a few different courses with Nianell. I find her to be a wonderful teacher with a life changing impact. Her one-on-one healing sessions is truly unique with life changing effect. My life will never be the same again, it did change for the better. Thank you Nianell"

Riekie van Loggerenberg

"I have attended many of Nianell's courses, workshops and online sessions and the results are amazing, I have learnt to calm myself, relax and strengthen my ability to communicate, which is an important part of my business. I definitely recommend these workshops".

Ann Marot

My name is Malcolm Moodley. I have embarked on countless personal development journeys, immersing myself in workshops and courses, and proudly embracing roles as a Theta healer, coach, NLP coach, international inspirational speaker, fire walker, and firewalk instructor. Over the years, I have dedicated more than 40,000 hours to my personal growth, and while each experience has been valuable, there was something profoundly different and extraordinary about the, CONNECTION SIMPLIFIED course by Nianell (Sonja).

Nianell's approach to her work is nothing short of awe-inspiring in its simplicity. The way she communicates her teachings is a revelation that touches the very core of understanding. Every time I grasped a concept, a silly grin adorned my face, perhaps even amusing Nianell (Sonja). Those elusive ideas I had been working on, yet failing to see, suddenly came to light, leaving me in complete awe.

But it didn't stop there. CONNECTION SIMPLIFIED gifted me with much more than I could have imagined. It not only met my needs but surpassed them, unlocking deeper levels of self-awareness and growth. This workshop is a true catalyst for transformation.

I find myself eager to return to CONNECTION SIMPLIFIED time and time again because I know that with each new experience, I will emerge as an evolved version of myself. The journey of growth never ends, and I am determined to embrace it with open arms.

Without hesitation, I urge anyone seeking self-improvement and personal development – which is a journey for every individual on this planet – to take part in Connection Simplified/Life Simplified. You deserve to witness the power of simplicity, experience profound transformations, and embark on a path of endless growth and fulfillment. Embrace the journey, and you'll be amazed at the heights you can reach. Your future self will thank you for taking this empowering step.

Malcolm Moodley
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Nianell has a variety of services that can contribute to the success of your event.  See below what value Nianell can add to your event. Once you click on the button our booking form will automatically download onto your computer. Complete the form and return it to the details on the form. We will then send you a formal quotation and once you accept, we will send you a booking contract to confirm the booking. Thank you! 


People refer to Nianell's meditations as incredibly healing and transformational. With sounds, vibrations and tones channeled by Nianell, you will access the feel-good feelings you need in order to manifest abundance into your life. In general, these meditations are about 2 hours long but we can adapt to your needs.
During the first part of the meditation, Nianell will establish a connection with the group to tap into what is needed in the session. During the second half, Nianell will access the information your soul and DNA understand through frequencies and sound, taking the participant on a sound journey of self-discovery and self-healing.


Nianell will travel to your venue, anywhere in the world, and offers this amazing 3-day course to your clients, customers, staff, and audience.  (terms & conditions apply). This course promotes effective communication with yourself and the people around you. There has been a huge response to this course so booking is essential. This course includes all of Nianell's special talents and expertise.  You'll experience Nianell performing live music, guided meditations and working through a 7 module workbook created by Nianell, focusing on achieving a well-balanced life and greater connections on all levels. Creating awareness of limiting beliefs that can be blocking you from living the life that you deserve and are worthy of.  For more information  CLICK HERE


Nianell's Music lends itself to corporate and private functions. It's very popular for bringing a group of people together, motivating and inspiring them. Nianell can also be booked as a keynote speaker based on her latest book release, Life Simplified. Nianell can adapt Life Simplified to any topic your event wants to focus on. She fills up moments with her inspiring songs and messages that any crowd easily connects with.  This performance normally lasts 45 minutes to 90 minutes depending on your need.
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